Mount Sentinel
Last Revised : Jan 12, 2025
Mount Sentinel Landing Areas
Landing Area Parameters
Primary LZ
400’ W-E area
600’ N-S area
Soccer fields to the north can be used when not in use by players
Secondary LZ
800’ W-E
900’ N-S
Sidehill Landing, Paragliding Only
Emergency Landing Area
Landing Area Parameters
450′ W-E and 200′ N-S, 700′ W-E and 150′ N-S
This landing area is to be used only in the case of emergency
[Click image for a full view]
Mount Sentinel Rating Requirements – H4/P3/M2
Hang Gliding
-H2 must be with site observer
-H3 must be with H4
-P2 must have 5 flights with site observer
-After observed flights, P2 must be with P3
Mini Wing
-M1 must have 5 flights with site observer
-After observed flights, M1 must be with M2 (unless P3)
Mount Sentinel Rules and Regulation
Important Mount Sentinel Site Information and Protocol
- Call the Missoula Air Traffic Control Tower from the trailhead. (406) 549-2979. Tell them you will be flying Mount Sentinel, the number of pilots, approximate launch time. Be polite and brief when speaking with the tower personnel—they are busy. If the tower personnel have any questions or concerns, please direct them to Paul Roys (Club President) at (406) 203-2695.
- Call the tower again at the conclusion of the flying session.Post “open” and “closed” to the Missoula Tower What’s App chat.
- Current USHPA membership required. Hang gliders, Paragliders, and Mini Wings are permitted on Mount Sentinel.
- H3/P3/M2 required to fly alone.
- Pilots new to the site must fly with a local pilot before going solo.
- P-2/H-2/M-1 (novice) pilots must fly 5 flights with 2 different pilots who have flown the site for at least a season.
- Avoid the Class D airspace that begins approximately 1 mile west of Mount Sentinel. Stay alert for the occasional low-flying aircraft, especially inbound from the east.
- Avoid disturbing deer or elk when flying.
- Check for postings of mid-to-late-summer fire restrictions that often close the mountain.
- Fly within the recommended operating limitations for your rating; pay attention to changing conditions….
Acceptable Wind Conditions: N-SSW 0-20mph. See for launch parameters for each launch.
Map of Mount Sentinel: See the “Location” tab to view illustrations for site maps and launch and landing parameters.
Questions? Contact Paul Roys, USHPA HG/PG observer for Mount Sentinel: (406) 203-2695 or visit for site information and club contacts
Download UM Sentinel Waiver Form
Mount Sentinel is a mountain thermal site located on the edge of Missoula, Montana. Conditions can vary from light to strong winds with moderate thermals. Mountain flying experience is recommended to fly this site. As with any mountain site, conditions may change quickly, so it is recommended to contact locals prior to flying this site. There is potential for rotor if pilots fly behind the launch area, ridgelines, tree lines, or houses. Pilots need to actively pay attention to wind speed, wind direction, and altitude, and be aware of venturi flow in the river canyon….. west winds can create a strong venturi in the canyon which should be avoided. Pilots should also keep an eye on the sky to watch for changing conditions, and it is not recommended for pilots to fly with overdevelopment, storms, or virga in the vicinity due to the potential for strong outflow winds. Pilots should actively determine ability and plans to make the LZs. Midday spring and fall can be very active air, requiring strong active piloting skills. Midday summer conditions can be very challenging. Morning or evening flights during those seasons will be generally safer for lesser experienced pilots.
Weather Resources